Newsletter/Website Resources


Church Newsletter: All members are mailed a montly Church Newsletter.  This includes Birthdays/Anniversaries of our members, Special Announcements, plus Upcoming Events, and the Church Calendar.  All Boards are welcome to include any updates they would like the members to be aware of.  The deadline for each Newletter is posted generally the second to last Wed. of the month.  You may email your information to Linda Pierce at or drop it by the Church Office.

Portal of Prayers:  Members may pick up a Complimentary Copy of the current months Concordia Publishing House's daily devotional book in the Church Narthex. A limited number of large print editions are available.

Lutheran Witness:  A subscription to the Missouri Synd Monthly Publication of the Lutheran Witness is provided to each Church Member's Family. 

Weekly Large Print Bible Lessons: If you need larger print-the Bible Lessons for Sunday's Services are available in the Narthex or ask an Usher.

