What to Expect...null

If you have never worshipped with us before, we want you to feel comfortable.  We hope by providing you with some information about us - it may ease you and make your first visit more enjoyable  ......


What's a typical Service like?  Approximately One hour (sometimes a little longer) of traditional worship (prayer, forgiveness, music, the Sacraments, confession, and the sharing of God's Word). As you leave our Pastor will be happy to "chat" with you & make you feel "at home" ...


Is there  "fellowship" time on Sunday?  During the time in between the two Services, Coffee & Pastries are served in the Fellowship Hall and we have various opportunities of "Sunday School", with classes and discussion for Youth & Adults. Our welcoming people will guide you to where you'd be most comfortable and try to answer any inquiries you might have ...


What's the music like? The Lutheran Service Book & Hymnal and Pipe Organ are common in the Church Service.  Our Church Choir with piano accompaniment and our Church Cantor/Leader of Song enriches the Service as well ...


How do people dress?   Please come as you are most comfortable - you will be accepted - style of dress is not the most important thing here at First Lutheran ...


What about my children?  All are Welcome for Church Worship. In addition, we do provide a Nursery and "safe environment" for infants and smaller children ...


Can I take Communion?  You are most welcome to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion 1) if you are a baptized believer, confessing Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, and 2) if you believe that He is fully present in the Sacramental meal with His Body and Blood in the form of the Bread and Wine to forgive sin and restore fellowship with the Father, and  3) if you come with a repentant heart intending to live in obedience to God's Will.  However, if you are not a confirmed Lutheran or are visiting for the first time, please take a moment to speak with the Pastor before communing ...


How can I get connected?  We would love to hear from you - our church office number is 423-472-6811.  For additional current information about First Lutheran - "like" us on our Facebook Page! ... and check back here, also.


Where do I park?  Visitor's Parking & Handicap Parking are closest to the Front Entrance. A Covered Entrance-way is at the  main Church Entrance. Assistance for those with Special Needs can be obtained there. Wheelchairs available. "Ask-An-Usher".


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